Page 104 - ICSE Math 6
P. 104

(c)  The given collection is not a set as there is no standard to decide the level of
                                      difficulty of problems and hence the elements (i.e., problems) of the set are not
                                  (d)  The collection of distinct letters, i.e., M, U, B, A, I is a set.

                    Example 2:  Let X be the set of the letters of the word AUGUST and Y be the set of the letters of
                                  the word ENGLISH. Fill in the blanks by writing ∈ or ∉.
                                  (a)  E ____ X         (b)  U ____ Y        (c)  G ____ X         (d)  I ____ Y

                    Solution:     (a)  E  ∉  X          (b)  U  ∉  Y         (c)  G  ∈  X          (d)  I  ∈  Y

                    Representation of Sets
                    To represent a set, we list its members (elements). There are two ways of representing a set:

                    (a)  Roster or tabular form method
                    (b)  Rule of set-builder form method

                    Roster or tabular form method
                    In this method, a set is represented by writing all of its members inside       Maths Info
                    the curly braces { }, separated by commas. For example,                   Any change in the order of
                    (a)   The set X of the first five months of a year is given by            writing the elements of a set
                        X = {January, February, March, April, May}.                           does not change the set.

                    (b)   The set Y of all the vowels in the word PAPER is given by Y = {A, E}.
                    Rule or set-builder form method
                    In this method, all the members of a set are not written inside the curly braces. Instead, a statement
                    or common property describing the elements is written inside the curly braces. For example, the set
                    Y of whole numbers less than 10 is given by
                    Y = {x | x is a whole number less than 10} or Y = {x : x is a whole number less than 10}.
                    The vertical bar ‘ | ’ or colon ‘ : ’ placed between the two xs stands for ‘such that’. (This is read as ‘Y
                    is the set of elements x such that x is a whole number less than 10’.)
                    Let’s write some important sets in the roster and set-builder forms.
                    (a) The set N of all the natural numbers.
                       N = {1, 2, 3, 4, …}                                           (Roster form)
                         = {x | x is natural number}                                 (Set-builder form)
                    (b) The set W of all the whole numbers.
                       W = {0, 1, 2, 3, …}                                           (Roster form)
                         = {x | x is a whole number}                                 (Set-builder form)
                    (c) The set Z or I of all the integers.
                       Z = {…, –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …}                            (Roster form)
                         = {x | x is an integer}                                     (Set-builder form)

                     Different statements can be used to represent the same set in set-builder form.

                    Example 3:  Write the following sets in the roster form.

                                  (a)  The set X of all the odd natural numbers less than 9.
                                  (b)  The set A of all the consonants in the word ROSTER.
                                  (c)  The set Y of all the integers between –3 and 3.

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