Page 100 - ICSE Math 6
P. 100

5.  Simplify.

                        (a)  2.9 + 5.65 – 3.651                         (b)  1.952 + 22.5 – 21
                        (c)  200.9 – 50.55 – 101.99                     (d)  7.8 – 9.5 – 1.56 + 20
                        (e)  5.63 – 8.86 + 19.5 – 22.66                 (f)  3.7 + 7.42 – 11.55

                      6.  Tanvi bought a book for ` 43.65. She gave ` 50 to the shopkeeper. How much money did she get
                        back from the shopkeeper?
                      7.  In Srinagar, snowfall in the three weeks of winter season was recorded as 10.67 cm, 11.34 cm
                        and 9.78 cm. What is the total snowfall in those three weeks?
                      8.  The  weight  of  a  cylinder  filled  with  gas  is  28  kg.  If  the  weight  of  the  empty  cylinder  is
                        13 kg 600 g, find the weight of the gas contained in it.

                                                              AT A GLANCE

                    ¾   Fractions having 10 or higher power of 10 as the denominator are known as decimal fractions.
                    ¾   Decimals having equal number of decimal places are known as like decimals, otherwise they
                        are unlike decimals.
                    ¾   Decimals which are equal to the same fraction are known as equivalent decimals.
                    ¾   While  performing  addition  and  subtraction  on  decimals,  we  convert  the  decimals  into  like
                        decimals first.

                                                            MENTAL MATHS

                      1.  Fill in the boxes with ‘>’, ‘<’ or ‘=’.
                         (a)  73.216       37.999     (b)  0.01        0.1          (c)  15.50       15.5

                        (d)  21.5        22           (e)  45.28        45.278      (f)  0.9       0.90
                      2.  Determine whether the given decimals are like, unlike or equivalent.

                         (a)  7.11 and 18.6           (b)  9.51 and 2.91            (c)  1.9 and 11.9
                        (d)  1.6 and 1.600            (e)  24.5 and 2.45            (f)  0.61 and 0.610

                      3.  Fill in the blanks.
                        (a)  ` 19 and 21 paise = ` __________           (b)  ` 3 and 8 paise = ` __________

                        (c)  2 m and 25 cm = __________ m               (d)  5 m and 8 cm = __________ m
                        (e)  65 kg and 5 g = __________ kg              (f)  16 kg and 25 g = __________ kg

                                                             PRACTICE TIME

                      1.  Write the decimal equivalent of the following expressions.

                        (a)  9×10 5×1 2×+  +   1  +  5×  1                     (b) 5×  1  +×     1
                                              10      1000                             10      1000
                                                1        1         1                             1         1
                        (c) 5×100 2×1 6×+  +       +  7×    +  9×              (d) 4×100 8×+        +  9×
                                               10       100      1000                           100      1000

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