Page 80 - ICSE Math 5
P. 80

Converting Mixed Fraction to Improper Fraction

                    To convert a mixed fraction to an improper fraction, we follow the given steps.

                     •  Multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fractional part.

                     •  Add the product obtained in the above step to the numerator of the fractional part.
                     •  Write the sum obtained in the above step as the numerator with the original denominator.

                    In other words, to convert a mixed fraction to an improper fraction, we use the given formula.

                    (Whole number × Denominator) + Numerator

                    Example 7:  Convert the following mixed fractions to improper fractions.
                                         1                       4
                                  (a) 5       (b) 5
                                         2                       7

                                         1    (5 × 2) + 1   10 + 1    11
                    Solution:     (a) 5     =             =         =
                                         2         2           2       2
                                         4    (5 × 7) + 4   35 + 4    39
                                  (b) 5     =             =         =
                                         7         7           7       7
                    Comparison of Fractions

                    Comparing Like Fractions

                    To compare like fractions we compare their numerators. Fractions with greater numerators are
                    For example, look at the figures shown below.

                                                  1                  2                  3
                                                  4                  4                  4

                          1 2         3
                    Since  ,   and   are like fractions, we compare their numerators. Thus, on comparing the
                          4 4         4
                                                         1   2   3
                    numerators, we have 1 < 2 < 3. So,   <   <   .
                                                         4   4   4
                    Thus, we can say that if two fractions have the same denominator and different numerators,
                    then the fraction with the greater numerator is greater than the other fraction.
                                             5       9
                    Example 8: Compare          and    .
                                            11      11

                                         5       9
                    Solution:     Since     and     are like fractions, compare their numerators.
                                        11      11
                                  On comparing the numerators, we have 9 > 5.
                                      9     5
                                  So,     >   .
                                      11   11

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