Page 76 - ICSE Math 5
P. 76

•  Equivalent fractions: Fractions which have
                          the same value or represent the same part
                          of a whole are called equivalent fractions.
                                        1 2 3
                         For example,  ,  ,   and   are equivalent
                                        2 4 6        8        1   2          1            2           3            4
                          fractions. They can be written as   =   =          2            4           6            8
                                                              2   4
                          3  =  .
                          6   8
                     •  Proper fractions: Fractions in which the                             Top Tip
                          numerator is less than the denominator                •   The value of a proper fraction is
                          are called proper fractions.                            always less than 1.
                          For example,   11 5   ,   6 18  and   3   are         •   The value an improper fraction is
                                         18 19 11 19           14                 always greater than or equal to 1.
                          proper fractions.
                     •  Improper fractions: Fractions in which the numerator is greater than or equal to the
                          denominator are called improper fractions.

                          For example,  13 3 21 17     and  11  are improper fractions.
                                           ,  ,
                                         5 2 19 10         11
                     •  Mixed fractions: Fractions which are a combination of a whole number and a proper fraction
                          are called mixed fractions or mixed numbers.

                                          4    7     4        8
                          For example, 3    , 2  , 1    and 7    are mixed fractions.
                                         17    15   19       11
                    Reciprocal of a Fraction

                    The reciprocal of a fraction is obtained by turning the given fraction upside down or by
                    interchanging the numerator and the denominator of the fraction. For example, the reciprocal
                       7    15                        1    3
                    of    is    and the reciprocal of   is  .
                      15     7                        3    1
                    Finding Equivalent Fractions

                    We can find the equivalent fractions of a given fraction in two different ways.

                       1. By multiplying both the numerator and the denominator of the fraction by the same
                           number (other than 0).
                           For example, let’s find three equivalent fractions of   by multiplying.
                                                       3 1
                           1  =   1 × 2  =  ;   =  1 × 3   =  ;   =   1 × 4   =   4
                                        2 1
                           3   3 × 2    6 3    3 × 3   9 3    3 × 4    12
                               2 3       4                                   1
                           So,   ,    and    are the equivalent fractions of  .
                               6 9       12                                  3
                                                       1   2   3    4
                           This can also be written as   =   =   =    .
                                                       3   6   9   12
                       2. By dividing both the numerator and the denominator of the fraction by the same number
                           (other than 0).

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