P. 63
D Name the following.
1. A smart city in Russia ________________
2. Two satellite cities of Delhi ________________
3. Any two core infrastructure elements of a smart city ________________
4. A disease that can break out if there is no proper sanitation of water ________________
5. Two sources of air pollution in cities ________________
E Answer the following questions briefly.
1. Why do large numbers of people move to cities?
2. Briefl y discuss the concept of smart city.
3. How do satellite cities help big metropolitan cities?
4. Diff erentiate between a smart city and a sustainable city.
5. How does urbanisation lead to the well-being of people?
F Answer the following questions in detail.
1. What are the ways through which urbanisation can be managed?
2. Why is there a growth in crime rates in urban areas in general? Is this specifi c to India or is
it global?
Let’s Do
Classroom Session
Look at the given images. Imagine that you are a reporter who has visited this city. After looking
at the conditions describe what you have learnt and seen about urbanisation.
You must do the following.
• Ensure to be specifi c. Include at least 5 conditions, inventions and problems each of
• You can talk about the positive and negative issues that you have faced due to urbanisation.
• Be creative! It can be an interview or you can describe what you see personally.
• Feel free to add pictures of your choice.