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should not reside in unsafe and polluted
areas. Governments should also encourage
sustainable use of urban resources and
support an economy based on sustainable
development by promoting investment in
green infrastructure, sustainable industries,
and launching recycling and environmental
Provision of Essential Services
People in authority must ensure that the
Air pollution from vehicles
population within the urban areas has easy
Water pollution is also caused as streams and access to essential services namely education,
rivers become contaminated due to the waste health, sanitation, clean water, technology,
that is generated by factories and industries. electricity and food. Th e objective should
be to provide and implement employment
Let’s Discuss opportunities and wealth creation activities
Do you think that the pressure, stress and so that people can earn a living which is
pollution that one faces in urban areas are suffi cient enough to pay for the maintenance
worth the facilities it off ers?
of these services.
Creation of More Jobs
Hence, urbanisation may have numerous
positive impacts but when facilities and To decrease the negative eff ects of rapid
supplies cannot be provided according to urbanisation and at the same time conserve
the demand, then the health of the citizens is natural ecosystems, private investment
compromised, causing stress and many other should be encouraged as it creates more job
health issues. opportunities. Tourism and the sustainable
usage of natural resources can create more
Ways to Manage Urbanisation jobs for the urban population.
Urbanisation cannot be reversed. Population Control
Development is a necessity for any country.
Key stakeholders in urban areas must provide
Hence, we must fi nd ways to curb the
campaigns for eff ective medical health clinics
problems of urbanisation through proper
and proper counselling to facilitate family
planning to help reduce the high rate of
Build Sustainable and Environment- population growth.
friendly Cities
Governments should pass laws that plan and Satellite Cities
provide environmentally sound cities and Satellite cities are smaller metropolitan areas
smart growth techniques, given that people which are located in close proximity to large
sustainable: (here) causing little or no damage to the environment and therefore able to continue for a long time
stakeholder: a person with an interest or concern in something, especially a business