Page 98 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 5 : E-book
P. 98
few tools like Circular Arrow, Linear Arrow and Disable Rotation used to manipulate
New Sprite Buttons
New Sprite Buttons are present at the bottom right corner of the Stage. They are used to
perform actions like creating a new Sprite, and importing and using the existing Sprites.
Let’s discuss the functions of these buttons.
• Choose Sprite from Library : This button on being clicked opens a Sprite Library
dialog box containing various inbuilt Sprite options.
• Paint New Sprite : This button on being clicked opens the Costumes window where
the user can create or draw a new Sprite.
• Upload Sprite from File : This button on being clicked opens the Select fi le(s)
to upload by app:/Scratch.swf dialog box. The user can select the Sprite from the
available fi les on a computer.
• New Sprite from Camera : This button on
Do and Learn
being clicked opens the web camera of the
system (if the facility exists) and allows the Explore the components of Scratch
user to click an image to be used as a Sprite. window in the practical class.
Creating a New Project
Follow these steps to create a new project.
1. Click on the File menu.
2. Select the New option. A new project will open.
Step 2
Step 1