Page 51 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 3 : E-book
P. 51
4. Status Bar is at the top of the screen. _________
5. File tab is placed at the upper-left corner in the Title Bar. _________
C. Answer the questions briefl y.
1. What are the two components of Word 2016 Windows?
2. How to start Word 2016?
3. Write any fi ve applications of Word 2016.
4. Write any fi ve features of Word 2016.
D. Answer the questions in detail.
1. How to create and enter text in a document?
2. Write about any three components of Word 2016 Window.
3. How to save a document?
4. Write a note on Word 2016.
Building Values and Life Skills
Your grandfather asks you to type a letter for him in Word 2016. You will
help him learn Word 2016. type the letter for him.
Testing Knowledge
Write a paragraph on any of your two favourite fruits. Copy the text of one fruit and paste it
in another Word 2016 document.
Linking Knowledge
Science: Write the diff erences between living and non-living things in Word 2016 document.
Lab Fun
Gather more information on Bill Gates and Microsoft. Paste the information in Word 2016 to
make a project report. Save your work on the desktop.