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P. 213

6.  (a)  CDXIII   (b)  XXIII     (c)  XLIX             (c)   TTh Th H T O
                 (d)  XX       (e)  DCCXIII    (f)  CLXV                    3   2   7 1 2
                 (g)  L        (h)  CCXCV
                                                                            2   5   3 4 5
            Scratch Your Brain                                          +   2   1   5 6 8
              1.  (a)  MDCLXVI     (b)  MCDXLIV
              2.  LID, MID                                                  7   9   6 2 5
                          Chapter 3: Addition                        (d)    L  TTh Th H T O
                                                                            1   6   3   8 4 5
            Let’s Recall                                                    2   1   4   7 0 3
              1.  (a)  1,111  (b)  1,965   (c)  13,058   (d)  16,722    +   3   2   3   0 8 1
              2.  (a)  1,334  (b)  6,421   (c)  3,041   (d)  9,359
              3.  (a)  1,100  (b)  4,100   (c)  11,300   (d)  3,600         7   0   1   6 2 9
              4.  3,343 km  5.  8,332                             3.  (a)  1,35,673 kg  (b)  ` 8,26,171   (c)  5,79,421
              6.  (a)  7,532  (b)  odd   (c)  6,479   (d)  10,087       (d)  ` 7,43,520  (e)  ` 4,97,625   (f)  8,35,603
                                                                  4.  (a)  Actual sum = 3,30,467  Estimated sum = 3,30,000
            Exercise 3.1                                             (b)  Actual sum = 1,32,054  Estimated sum = 1,32,000
              1.  (a)  62,218   (b)  8,72,475   (c)  66,079       5.  Students to do on their own.
                (d)  1,38,245  (e)  4,95,845   (f)  84,835
                 (g)  16,119   (h)  8,38,884   (i)  92,358      Let’s Evaluate    (b)  6,65,878   (c) 10,63,190
                                                                  1.  (a)  4,06,726
              2.  (a)  Addends → 4,00,723 and 3,68,912               (d)  8,25,894   (e)  10,18,396   (f)  12,87,710
                   Sum → 7,69,635                                    (g)  8,68,881
                 (b)  Addends → 2,89,916 and 6,30,249             2.  ` 7,87,845
                   Sum → 9,20,165                                 3.  (a)   L  TTh Th H T O
                 (c)  Addends → 75,648 and 28,503
                   Sum → 1,04,151                                           4   6   7   2 9 3
                 (d)  Addends → 63,254 and 29,046                           2   8   5   4 2 6
                   Sum → 92,300                                         +   1   1   9   2 3 4
                 (e)  Addends → 2,20,496 and 3,406                          8   7   1   9 5 3
                   Sum → 2,23,902
                 (f)  Addends → 6,10,420 and 2,42,108                (b)    L  TTh Th H T O
                   Sum → 8,52,528                                           4   5   2   6 8 9
              3.  (a)  Eighty-eight thousand one hundred two                1   1   0   2 1 4
                 (b) Seven lakh seventeen thousand one hundred          +       3   6   5 3 4
                   forty-four                                               5   9   9   4 3 7
                 (c) Six lakh fourteen thousand six hundred one
              4.  (a) 32,295        (b)  6,90,275                 4.  (a)  3,64,300  (b)  9,57,900  (c)  7,94,300
                                                                  5.  11,10,996
            Exercise 3.2
              1.  (a)  69,263   (b)  70,613   (c)  55,511  (d)  7,60,955  Values and Life Skills  2.  ` 2,73,760
                                                                  1.  7,58,005 people
                 (e)  6,83,524  (f)  8,79,385  (g)  95,048  (h)  59,877
              2.  (a)   TTh Th H T O                            Scratch Your Brain
                                                                  1.  (a)  8  + 5 = 13
                        2   4  5 6 3
                                                                        80  + 50 = 130
                    +   1   2  6 3 8
                                                                        800  + 500 = 1,300
                        3   7  2 0 1
                                                                        8,000  + 5,000 = 13,000
                 (b)   L  TTh Th H T O                               (b)  4 +  7  = 11
                       2   7    8  4 5 2                               40 + 70  = 110
                    +  5   6    4  7 9 6                               400 + 700  = 1,100
                       8   4    3  2 4 8                               4,000 + 7,000  = 11,000

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