Page 212 - Start Up Mathematics_4
P. 212
(c) 2,54,419; 2,40,098; 2,32,817; 2,23,705; 2,17,390 (d) Twelve lakh seventy- One million two hundred
(d) 9,99,872; 9,14,827; 9,08,743; 8,23,999; 8,13,948 four thousand five seventy four thousand
(e) 9,510,163; 9,015,246; 8,312,415; 8,132,415; hundred eighty-three five hundred eighty-three
8,132,306 3. (a) 8000 + 300 + 40 + 7
6. (a) Predecessor = 8,678, successor = 8,680 (b) 10,000 + 5,000 + 200 + 0 + 9
(b) Predecessor = 23,079, successor = 23,081 (c) 7,00,000 + 50,000 + 3,000 + 600 + 20 + 1
(c) Predecessor = 45,198, successor = 45,200 (d) 30,00,000 + 7,00,000 + 30,000 + 5,000 + 400 +
(d) Predecessor = 4,98,997, successor = 4,98,999 30 + 8
(e) Predecessor = 5,00,898, successor = 5,00,900 4. Smallest number = 204578
7. (a) 9,000 (b) 6,89,489 (c) 82,770 (d) expanded Greatest number = 875420
8. (a) 1,638; 1,639; 1,640 (b) 25,050, 25,052, 25,054 5. (a) 31,491; 31,941; 32,149; 32,491; 38,149
(c) 3,72,180; 3,72,190; 3,72,200 (b) 8,93,756; 8,99,324; 9,82,467; 9,82,476; 9,92,946
(d) 8,95,735; 8,95,740; 8,95,745 6. (a) 69,915; 69,328; 67,143; 66,208; 66,075
(e) 7,42,141; 8,42,141; 9,42,141 (b) 10,918; 10,810; 10,180; 10,089; 10,081
Exercise 1.3 7. ` 2,440
1. (a) Smallest number = 13478 8. (a) False (b) True (c) False
Greatest number = 87431 (d) False (e) True
(b) Smallest number = 20358 9. (a) (i) (b) (iii) (c) (ii)
Greatest number = 85320 (d) (i) (e) (ii)
(c) Smallest number = 10269 10. (a) 2,067,135 (b) < (c) 472,200
Greatest number = 96210 (d) 35,906,186 (e) 7,20,147 (f) 872,380
(d) Smallest number = 40078 (g) 100 (h) 10 lakhs
Greatest number = 87400 Scratch Your Brain
2. (a) Smallest number = 123578 1. Varun, Tia, Rohit, Karishma
Greatest number = 875321 2. Largest number of stamps: Honey (5660)
(b) Smallest number = 300469 Smallest number of stamps: Devesh (5540)
Greatest number = 964300 3. (a) 149, 148, 147, 146, 145 (b) 350 to 399
(c) Smallest number = 122358 (c) 79, 78, 77, 76, 75 (d) 1,150 to 1,199
Greatest number = 853221
(d) Smallest number = 405699 Chapter 2: Roman Numerals
Greatest number = 996540 Let's Recall
3. (a) 550 (b) 6,910 (c) 43,790 (d) 1,90,270 1. (a) 2. (a) > (b) < (c) =
4. (a) 500 (b) 7,300 (c) 75,800 (d) 4,46,800 Let’s Evaluate
5. (a) 7,000 (b) 13,000 (c) 4,76,000 (d) 9,00,000 1. (a) XV (b) XLIX (c) CIII
Let’s Evaluate (d) CCCV (e) CCXXVIII (f) CDL
1. (a) TTh Th H T O (b) L TTh Th H T O (g) DCXXXVII (h) CMLXXXIX (i) CCCLIV
2. (a) 14 (b) 62 (c) 98
(d) 331 (e) 405 (f) 976
(g) 701 (h) 915 (i) 400
2. Indian number system International number (j) 53 (k) 49 (l) 602
system 3. (a) CX (b) CLXIV (c) CLXXXV
(a) Six thousand four Six thousand four (d) CXXVI (e) LXXII (f) XLIII
hundred seventy-five hundred seventy-five (g) XXI (h) LXXXVI (i) XX
(b) Ninety two thousand Ninety two thousand 4. (a) XXXIII (b) XCIX (c) XL
eighty-seven eighty-seven (d) CD (e) XXII (f) L
(c) Five lakh forty-nine Five hundred forty-nine (g) LXIX (h) LXXXIX (i) DXLV
thousand three thousand three hundred 5. (a) > (b) > (c) <
hundred six six (d) = (e) > (f) >