Page 193 - Start Up Mathematics_1
P. 193


                          600 mL                       100 mL                        250 mL

             10   Read the scale carefully and write how much water is there in each jar.

              (a)                               (b)                                (c)

                                 mL                                 mL                                  mL

            Addition and Subtraction of Capacity

            Look at the given examples.

              1.  Add 4 L 210 mL and 3 L 620 mL.

                           L        mL

                           4       210

                                            Add millilitres first and then the litres.
                    +      3       620

                           7       830

              2.  Subtract 3 L 175 mL from 6 L 250 mL.

                           L        mL
                                   1  4  10
                           6       250
                                            Subtract millilitres first and then the litres.
                    –      3       175

                           3       075

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