Page 11 - Start Up Mathematics_1
P. 11
We use any three digits from 0 to 9 to write a 3-digit number. These digits are
written under H (Hundreds), T (Tens) and O (Ones) as shown. For example,
H T O Remember
1 3 9 = 1 hundred + 3 tens + 9 ones We cannot write 0 at the
hundreds place as it will
1 0 6 = 1 hundred + 0 tens + 6 ones then become a 2-digit
On an abacus, 139 is shown as:
Rod H reads in hundreds.
Rod T reads in tens.
Rod O reads in ones.
Number Names
We already know how to write number names of numbers from 1 to 99.
Write the number names.
(a) 8 ______________________ (b) 34 ______________________
(c) 96 ______________________ (d) 72 ______________________
To write the number name of a
3-digit number, we always write the We form a 3-digit number
hundreds place first, then the tens
and ones places together. Look at
the given examples.
139 is written as one hundred thirty-nine
180 is written as one hundred eighty