Page 231 - ICSE Math 7
P. 231


                      1.  Draw a line AB and take a point P outside it. Draw another line CD parallel to AB, which passes
                        through point P.

                      2.  Draw a line AB and take a point P that is 5 cm away from it. Draw another line CD parallel to
                        AB, which passes through point P.
                      3.  Given a line l, draw another line m parallel to l at a distance of 4.6 cm from it.

                      4.  Construct a triangle when all its sides are 3.8 cm.
                      5.  Construct isosceles triangles with the following measurements.
                         (a)  AB = 4.2 cm, BC = CA = 5.4 cm             (b)  MN = 8 cm, ∠M = ∠N = 75°

                      6.  Construct an isosceles triangle when one of its equal sides is 4.9 cm and the vertical angle is 40°.
                      7.  Construct a right-angled triangle when one of its sides is 6 cm and the hypotenuse is 7 cm.

                      8.  Construct a right-angled triangle whose two sides forming the right angle are 2.8 cm and 4.5 cm.
                      9.  Construct a triangle whose two angles are 30° and 90° and the included side is 5.6 cm.

                     10.  Construct a triangle whose two angles are 50° each and the included side is 6 cm.
                     11.  Construct an equilateral triangle with side 6 cm. Construct an incircle of this triangle.

                     12.  Construct a triangle PQR with PQ = 6.7 cm, ∠RPQ = 60° and ∠PQR = 90°. Locate its circumcentre
                        and draw its circumcircle.

                     13.  Construct the circumcircle of an isosceles triangle whose one of the equal sides is 3.5 cm and
                        the vertical angle is 84°.
                     14.  Construct a right-angled triangle whose one side is 4.5 cm and the hypotenuse is 7 cm. Draw its

                                                              AT A GLANCE

                    ¾   A line can be drawn parallel to a given line, through a point not on it, either by constructing
                        equal alternate angles or by constructing equal corresponding angles.
                    ¾   Construction of a unique triangle is possible in the following cases:

                        (a)  SSS criterion—three sides of a triangle are given.
                        (b)  ASA criterion—two angles and an included side are given.

                        (c)  SAS criterion—two sides and an included angle are given.
                        (d)  RHS criterion—hypotenuse and a side of right triangle are given.

                    ¾   Since AAS—(angle, angle, side) can be converted to ASA, a triangle can be constructed.
                    ¾   SSA and AAA criterion are not sufficient to construct a unique triangle.

                    ¾   A circle which passes through all the three vertices of a triangle is called the circumcircle of the
                    ¾   A circle drawn inside a triangle touching all the three sides of the triangle is known as the incircle
                        of the triangle.

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