Page 213 - ICSE Math 7
P. 213

Let’s find Faces (F), vertices (V) and edges (E) for the following solids.

                       • Vertices: The 8 corners of a cube are its vertices.
                       • Edges: A cube has 12 edges as shown in the adjoining figure.                            Face
                       • Faces: The 6 flat surfaces that form a cube are called its faces.

                       • Vertices: The 8 corners of a cuboid are its vertices.
                       • Edges: Cuboid has 12 edges as shown in the adjoining figure.                              Edge
                       • Faces: The 6 flat surfaces that form a cuboid are called its faces.                      Face

                    Now let’s find the vertices, edges and faces of a pyramid and a cone.

                    Pyramid:                                      Cone:                                    Vertex
                    A triangular pyramid as shown has:            A cone has:

                        • 4 vertices        Vertex                   • one vertex                             Curved
                        • 6 edges                                    • one curved edge                        surface
                        • 4 faces  Edge                              • one curved surface
                                                                     and one flat face         Flat face    Curved edge

                    We can clearly see that the faces of 3D objects are 2D figures. For example, a cube has six faces which
                    are squares. A triangular pyramid has triangles as its faces. A cone has a circle as its face.

                    If, F, E and V represent the faces, edges and vertices of a polyhedron (prism or pyramid) respectively
                    then F + V – E = 2. This is known as Euler’s formula.
                    The number of vertices (V), number of faces (F) and the number of edges (E) of some 3D figures are
                    given in the table.

                                                               Number of      Number of      Number of
                                   S. No.       Figure
                                                               Vertices (V )   Faces (F )    Edges (E)

                                     1.                              8             6              12


                                     2.                              8             6              12


                                     3.                              1             2              1


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