Page 164 - ICSE Math 7
P. 164


                    A ray is a part of a line which starts from a fixed point and moves endlessly in
                    the same direction. An arrow on one side of a ray shows that the ray extends    A               B
                    indefinitely in one direction only. A ray has only one end point known as its
                    initial point. In the adjoining figure, A is the initial point of ray AB.


                    A plane is a flat surface. It has infinite length and breadth and hence extends        A           p
                    infinitely. A plane consists of infinite number of points and lines. It is denoted
                    by small letters like p or q or by three points (not in a straight line) drawn            C
                    on it. In the adjoining figure, a plane p or ABC is shown.                      B

                    Parallel Lines                                                                         m

                    Two lines which lie in the same plane and do not meet even when extended
                    indefinitely are known as parallel lines. The distance between two parallel lines   n
                    always remains the same. In the adjoining figure, lines m and n are parallel to
                    each other and are represented by m || n (read as m is parallel to n).

                    Intersecting Lines                                                                           n
                    Two lines which lie in the same plane and have a common point are known as              O
                    intersecting lines. The common point is known as the point of intersection.
                    In the given figures, lines m and n are intersecting with O as their point of                    m
                    Perpendicular Lines                                                                        m

                    Two intersecting lines are said to be perpendicular if they make an angle of
                    90° at the point of intersection. In the adjoining figure, line m is perpendicular
                    to line n and is represented by m ⊥ n (read as m is perpendicular to n).                    90°    n

                    Properties of Lines
                    Property 1:  Infinite number of straight lines can be drawn through a point.
                                                                                                                O     q

                    Property 2:   One and only one line passes through two distinct points
                                  in a plane.                                                           A            B

                                                                                                m              p
                    Property 3:    Two different lines in a plane are either  parallel  or   n                       q
                                  intersect at exactly one point.

                                                                                             Parallel lines  Intersecting lines

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