Page 159 - ICSE Math 5
P. 159

In the given table, kilo, hecto, deca, deci, centi and milli are the prefixes added to the standard
                    units. A unit prefix shows how big or small the unit of measurement is when compared to the
                    standard units.
                    In the metric system, the given prefixes have a meaning and a fixed value. Let’s know about the

                     Prefix         Kilo        Hecto      Deca        Deci            Centi                Milli

                     Meaning     Thousand      Hundred      Ten    One-tenth      One-hundredth      One-thousandth

                                                                        1                1                    1
                     Value         1,000         100        10
                                                                        10              100                 1000
                    The prefixes when added to the standard units indicate the multiples or fractions of the standard

                    Conversion of Metric Measures


                    We know that the height of a building, a person or distance between any two places is a measure
                    of length. We have already learnt how to measure the length of small objects using a ruler. Have
                    you ever noticed the small markings between any two numbers on a ruler?

                    If you observe the ruler carefully, you will notice that there are
                    small divisions between the consecutive centimetre units. Each             0   1  2   3   4  5   6
                    small division measures 1 millimetre (mm) which is a smaller unit
                    of measuring length.
                    Look at the following table to know the various units for measuring length.

                                                 Multiply by 10 to go to a smaller unit.

                                 10            10            10            10           10           10

                      kilometre     hectometre     decametre        metre      decimetre     centimetre  millimetre
                         (km)          (hm)           (dam)          (m)          (dm)          (cm)          (mm)
                                1              1             1            1            1             1
                                10              10             10            10             10            10
                                          Multiply by     (or divide by 10) to go to a bigger unit.

                    To convert from a larger unit to a smaller unit, multiply the value by 10 as many times till you
                    reach that unit.
                    For example, to convert 1 km to dam, multiply the value by 10 twice.

                        1 km = 1 × (10 × 10) dam = 100 dam
                    Example 1:  Convert 5 hm to dm.

                    Solution:     5 hm = 5 × (10 × 10 × 10) dm = 5 × 1,000 dm           10         10          10
                                        = 5,000 dm                                hm         dam          m          dm

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