Page 158 - ICSE Math 5
P. 158

Metric Sy
                            11            Metric Systemstem

                     Learning Outcomes

                         Students will be able to learn:
                          about larger and smaller units of length, weight and capacity.
                          the conversions of length, weight and capacity from larger to smaller units and vice versa.
                          to solve daily life problems involving length, weight and capacity.

                    We know that every measurement has a standard unit. These units come under metric system.
                    Let’s revise the standard units used for measuring length, weight and capacity in the metric
                     •  The standard unit of length is metre (m).

                     •  The standard unit of weight is gram (g).

                     •  The standard unit of capacity is litre (L).

                    These standard units are either too small or too large for the measurement of certain quantities.
                    So, we also have some larger and smaller units of measurement as compared to these standard
                    units. The larger and smaller units of measurement are named by adding prefixes to the standard
                    Look at the table given below to know different units used for measuring length, weight and

                                             Larger units                 units               Smaller units

                     Units of  Kilometre  Hectometre Decametre Metre Decimetre Centimetre Millimetre
                      Length       (km)         (hm)          (dam)       (m)       (dm)          (cm)         (mm)

                     Units of  Kilogram      Hectogram      Decagram     Gram     Decigram     Centigram     Milligram
                      Weight       (kg)          (hg)         (dag)        (g)       (dg)         (cg)         (mg)

                     Units of    Kilolitre    Hectolitre    Decalitre     Litre   Decilitre    Centilitre    Millilitre
                     Capacity      (kL)          (hL)         (daL)        (L)       (dL)         (cL)         (mL)

                    The table shows the larger units on the left and smaller units on the right of the standard units.
                    The abbreviations of these units are used for the convenience of writing.

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