Page 209 - ICSE Math 4
P. 209

Based on your observa  ons, answer the following ques  ons.

                       (a)  Which city has the minimum temperature in the month of January?

                       (b)  Which city has the maximum temperature in the month of July?
                       (c)  Write the minimum temperature and the month to which it is related in the given table.

                       (d)  Write the maximum temperature and the month to which it is related in the given table.

                       (e)  Name the city from the table you would like to visit in the month of December. Write a few lines
                           about this city.
                       (f)  Name the city from the table you would like to visit in the month of October. Write a few lines
                           about this city.

                     Chapter 13: Data Handling

                     Integrate with Arts Education

                     Collect data of diff erent students and the desserts they like. Represent this data using coloured papers,
                     markers or s  ckers of diff erent objects and make a pictograph. You may use other cra   objects of your

                     Chapter 14: Patterns

                     Integrate with Arts Education

                     Take coloured glazed papers and make flowers of diff erent shapes on these papers. Cut the flowers
                     and make beau  ful pa  erns using flowers of diff erent colours and shapes.

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