Page 208 - ICSE Math 4
P. 208
Chapter 8: Fractions
Integrate with Arts Education
3 2 1 5
Using coloured sheets or glazed papers, represent the following frac ons: , , and . Also represent
4 5 4 7
3 4 4 9
the addi on of and , and the subtrac on of from .
8 8 11 11
Chapter 9: Geometry
Integrate with Arts Education
Draw a beau ful rangoli design using various geometrical shapes in your drawing notebook.
Colour it with beau ful colours. You can use pencil colours, sketch pens or water colours for
Draw a few symmetrical fi gures. Show the line(s) of symmetry in these fi gures.
Chapter 10: Perimeter and Area
Integrate with Arts Education
Draw diff erent plane fi gures and colour them. Also, name these fi gures and fi nd their perimeter
and area.
Take any three irregular plane fi gures. Find the area of these fi gures by tracing their outlines on
the square grid and then coun ng the number of full squares, half squares and squares more
than half. Colour the area covered by the outline on the square grid.
Chapter 11: Measurement
Integrate with Science
Using the Internet, fi nd various devices that we use to measure length, weight and capacity. Describe
these devices in a line or two. Also paste their images in your notebook.
Chapter 12: Time and Temperature
Integrate with Social Studies
Using the Internet, fi nd the average temperature of the following ci es in the months men oned in
the table.
Average Temperature
January March July October December
New Delhi