Page 109 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 109

RAMA                   : [Doesn’t listen to the Sadhu’s cries. He holds the hair up
                                              proudly and addresses the crowd] I am the luckiest man
                                              in the world. The hair from this great saint’s beard has
                                              the power to take us directly to heaven. He is such a holy
                                              man! Every hair of his is a key to heaven.

                    VILLAGER 2             :  I’d rather go to heaven than get rich in this world, Your
                                              Holiness. Allow me to pluck a hair as well.

                    The villager plucks a hair despite the Sadhu’s protests. He lets out another cry

                    of pain.

                    VILLAGER 1             :  One for me too.

                    People crowd around the Sadhu and he screams loudly.

                    SADHU                  :  Oh God . . . stop it, you fools!

                    RAMA                   : [Trying hard to hide his laughter] My lord, please do not
                                              deny your devotees the keys to heaven.

                    The Sadhu tries to escape. He falls down. People wouldn’t let him go. He
                    somehow manages to wriggle out leaving pieces of his torn shirt in the hands
                    of the devotees. He runs for his life. People chase him.

                    RAMA                   :  I hope you now know how holy this Sadhu was. He
                                              wanted only your money and gifts. All of us can get rich by
                                              working hard. We don’t need to pay Sadhus and holy
                                              men for that.

                    VILLAGER 2             :  Oh, my two gold coins!

                    RAMA                   :  Don’t worry. The king’s men will arrest the  impostor.
                                              Everyone will get their money back.

                    Rama goes back to the court and tells the king the whole story.

                     screams : gives out a loud cry                      impostor : someone who pretends

                     deny : refuse                                              to be someone else in order
                     wriggle out : twist and turn the                           to cheat
                            body to escape

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