Page 105 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 105

15             The Keys to Heaven

                                                                A Play


                    Krishnadevaraya :  the king of Vijayanagara

                    Tenali Rama            :  a poet at Krishnadevaraya’s court famous for his
                                              intelligence and wit

                    Sadhu                  :  a holy man who is visiting Vijayanagara

                    Courtier 1

                    Courtier 2

                    Villager 1

                    Villager 2

                                                                 Scene 1

                    Krishnadevaraya’s court. Tenali Rama, Courtier 1 and Courtier 2 are waiting
                    for the king. Suddenly trumpets start to blow and the sound of drums is heard.

                    Krishnadevaraya walks in.

                    RAMA AND THE COURTIERS : [bowing] Good morning, Your Majesty.

                    KRISHNADEVARAYA        : [Raising his hands to greet them] Good morning. Where
                                              are my ministers today? I want to discuss the new road
                                              project with them.

                    COURTIER 2             :  Your Majesty, the ministers have gone to meet the great

                                              Sadhu who is visiting our kingdom.

                    KRISHNADEVARAYA        : [Surprised] Sadhu? Who is this Sadhu? I haven’t heard of
                                              him. [To Rama] Have you, Rama?

                     wit : the ability to use words and                  Your Majesty : way of addressing a
                            ideas to create humour                              king or a queen

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