Page 108 - Viva Real English 3 : Ebook
P. 108

VILLAGER 1             :  The great saint is opening his eyes!

                    Everyone bows to the Sadhu.

                    VILLAGER 2             :  [Carrying a large sack. He puts it in front of the Sadhu]
                                              Your Holiness, please accept this sack of rice as my

                                              humble offering to you. Advise me, my lord, how I can
                                              get rich.

                    The Sadhu gives a meaningful glance to his assistant standing beside him. The
                    assistant lifts the sack and takes it away.

                    SADHU                  :  My child, you have pleased me. I will definitely make
                                              you rich. To begin with, we need to perform a puja at
                                              your house.

                    VILLAGER 2             :  Thank you, Your Holiness. Please tell me what I need to

                    SADHU                  :  Dear child, give me two gold coins towards the expenses

                                              for the puja.

                    VILLAGER 2             :  Most certainly, my lord.

                    Rama watches as the villager takes out two gold coins and gives to the Sadhu.

                    The Sadhu promptly pockets the coin and blesses the villager. Rama jostles his
                    way through the crowd towards the Sadhu and falls at his feet.

                    RAMA                   : [Prostrating] Your Holiness, you are the greatest saint in
                                              the world. Bless me, O supreme saint!

                    SADHU                  : [Highly pleased] Get up, my child. You are a true devotee.
                                              I shall perform a puja to make you live young for two
                                              hundred years. For that you only need to give me . . . [As

                                              the Sadhu speaks Rama jumps forward and plucks out a
                                              hair from the Sadhu’s beard.]

                    SADHU                  : [Cries in pain] Aaaaaaaaah . . .

                     Your Holiness : way of addressing a                 pockets : puts in the pocket
                            religious leader                             jostles : pushes the crowd roughly

                     defi nitely : certainly                             prostrating : lying with face
                     promptly : quickly                                         downwards to show respect

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