Page 98 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 98

12             Saint Francis and the Wolf

                    There are many beautiful stories about Saint Francis and his good deeds. He

                    was the son of a rich merchant. He lived in Assisi, a small town in Italy. Francis
                    was a kind person. He looked after the sick and helped the poor people.

                    One day, Saint Francis was passing through a village called Gubbio. There was
                    a savage wolf living near it. It would kill the hens, the ducks and the sheep

                    of the villagers. All the people of the village were very frightened of it. Once
                    the wolf attacked two men in the village. The villagers wanted to kill it but
                    the wolf escaped every time.

                    The villagers ran to Saint Francis and said, ‘Brother, please help us. This
                    wicked wolf is troubling us a lot.’

                    Saint Francis said, ‘Good people, don’t be
                    afraid. I’ll do something to help you.’

                    Then the saint went into the forest near

                    the village. He went alone. He did not
                    take a knife, an axe or a stick with

                    He found the wolf sitting in a
                    cave. He spoke lovingly to it,

                    ‘Brother Wolf, you have done
                    many wrong and cruel actions.

                    You have troubled the villagers
                    of Gubbio for a long time. You
                    have killed their hens, ducks

                    and sheep. You have even

                     frightened : scared                                 wicked : bad and harmful

                     attacked : tried to kill or hurt                    troubling : causing troubles

                     escaped : ran away
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