Page 100 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 100

A     Comprehension

                    A1.  Circle A or B for the correct answer.

                           1.  Where did Saint Francis live?

                                A. Assisi

                                B. Bosa

                           2.  The wolf troubled the villagers of                              for a long time.

                                A. Assisi

                                B. Gubbio

                           3.  Saint Francis asked the villagers to give some                                   to the
                                wolf every day.

                                A. food

                                B. advice

                    A2.  Write T (True) or F (False) in the boxes.

                           1.  Saint Francis was the son of a farmer.

                           2.  Saint Francis took a knife, an axe and a stick, and
                                went to kill the wolf.

                           3.  The cruel wolf turned into a kind animal in the end.

                    A3.  Complete the sentences with words and phrases from the lesson.

                           1.  Saint Francis looked after

                                and helped                                                                              .

                           2.  The wolf killed the


                           3.  The wolf killed the animals because it was                                           .

                           4.  Saint Francis spoke to the wolf                                                        .

                           5.  In the end, the villagers

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