Page 94 - Viva Real English 2 : Ebook
P. 94

4.  Three men went to sea in a tub.

                                 5.  The tiger hid in the tall grass.

                                 6.  The small boys ran after the peacocks.

                    Past of is, am, are

                    Read the following table:

                         Singular                       Negative                            Short form

                         I was happy.                   I was not happy.                    · wasn’t happy

                         You were happy.                You were not happy.                 · weren’t happy

                         He was happy.                  He was not happy.                   · wasn’t happy

                         She was happy.                 She was not happy.                  · wasn’t happy

                         It was happy.                  It was not happy.                   · wasn’t happy

                         Plural                         Negative                            Short form

                         We were happy.                 We were not happy.                  · weren’t happy

                         You were happy.                You were not happy.                 · weren’t happy

                         They were happy.               They were not happy.                · weren’t happy

                    C2.  Change the following sentences into nega  ve sentences.

                           1. Priya was late for school today.

                                Priya was not late for school today.

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