Page 72 - Viva Real English 1 : Ebook
P. 72

C1.  Complete the following sentences using  on,  in,  under,  in front of,
                           between or behind. Use picture clues.

                           1.  The book is                        the table.

                           2.  The monkey is                          the wall.

                           3.  There are ten flowers                           the vase.

                           4.  The cat is                           the chair.

                           5.  The red butterfly is

                                the yellow butterflies.

                           6.  The car is                                  the house.


                    Read the following sentences:

                           1. A frog was jumping around a pond. The frog was feeling hot.

                           2. An elephant was sitting under a tree. The elephant was hungry.

                          When we speak of a person, an animal or a thing for the first time,

                          we use a or an. But when we speak of them again, we use the.

                    C2.  Fill in the blanks with a, an or the.

                           1.                  tiger sat under a tree.                      tiger wanted to rest.

                           2.  A frog jumped into                       pond.                   pond had beautiful

                                lilies in it.

                           3.                  ox was sitting in a shed.                        ox was tired.

                           4.  Leela is wearing                          yellow frock.                        frock is
                                very pretty.

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