Page 69 - Viva Real English 1 : Ebook
P. 69

A     Comprehension

                    A1.  Replace the words in red with the correct word from the lesson.

                           1.  It was a cold day.

                           2.  The frog stood on a small rock.

                           3.  There was a tree on top of a hill.

                           4.  The tiger was sitting under a shed.

                           5. The frog lay down by the side of the bush.

                    A2.  Complete the following answers.

                           1.  The frog was feeling very hot and tired. What did he do?

                                He                                                                             .

                           2.  What did the frog spot on top of a hill?

                               The frog spotted                                   on top of a hill.

                           3.  What was the tiger looking for?

                                The tiger                                                                          .

                           4.  Was the frog dirty?

                                                    , it                   .

                           5.  Who was clever – the tiger or the frog?

                                The                     was clever.

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