Page 58 - Viva Real English 1 : Ebook
P. 58

C1. a)  Circle the correct describing word.

                                 1.  white / purple            milk            2.  long / green                frog

                                 3.  salty / sweet             honey           4.  home / park                 work

                                 5.  yellow / black            sun             6.  naughty / long              stick

                                 7.  lazy / busy               bee             8.  red / tired                 apple

                         b)      Write suitable describing words for the pictures.

                    1.                         2.                       3.                       4.

                    a            ant           a            shirt       a            man         an             man

                         c)      Fill in the blanks with adjec  ves which mean the opposite of the
                                 words in red. Choose from the words given within the brackets.

                                 1.  These socks are clean, but those socks are

                                      (dirty / fair).

                                 2. Manju is thin, but her mother is                               (long / fat).

                                 3. We feel happy when we win a prize, but we feel

                                      when we do not (sad / heavy).

                                 4.  A frog is light, but an elephant is
                                      (healthy / heavy).

                                 5.  A giraffe is tall, but a dog is                           (short / thick).

                                 6.  An ant is small, but a dog is                             (bright / big).

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