Page 55 - Viva Real English 1 : Ebook
P. 55

Elly takes Topsy back to his
                    burrow. Topsy is very happy
                    to meet his family. They all

                    hug one another.

                    Mother Rabbit gives lots of
                    bananas to Elly and Monty.

                    They say to Mother Rabbit,
                    ‘Thank you for the bananas,

                    ma’am. Goodbye.’ Topsy
                    says to Elly and Monty,
                    ‘Thank you very much,

                    my friends. I’ll always
                    remember you.’

                    Elly and Monty say goodbye to everyone. Then they go back to the forest

                    with the bananas.

                   A     Comprehension

                    A1.  Complete the table with informa  on from the lesson.

                              Animal                   Name                   Home                     Food

                               rabbit                                         burrow

                                                       Milky                                           grass

                              monkey                                           trees


                                duck                                           pond

                                                         Elly                                        bananas

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