Page 61 - Start Up Mathematics_8 (Non CCE)
P. 61

2. Squaring Numbers Close to 100
                    The rule says, ‘‘Whatever the extent of deficiency, lessen it still further to that very extent’’.

                    For example, let’s find the square of 97.
                    The answer of this has two parts.
                    The deficiency of 97 from 100 is “100 – 97 = 3”.
                    So, the second part of the answer is the square of “3”, i.e., (3)  = 09
                    Answer =        
                               1st part    2nd part
                    The rule says, “To get the first part of the answer reduce the deficiency still further by the same extent”.
                    So, let’s reduce further the deficiency of 3 from 97, i.e., 97 – 3 = 94.

                                       94        09
                    So, the answer is    
                                      1st part  2nd part
                    \ (97)  = 9,409
                    3. Squaring Numbers Just More Than 100
                    The rule says, “Whatever the extent of surplus, increase it further to that very extent”.
                    For example, let’s find the square of 107.
                    The answer of this has two parts.
                    The surplus of 107 from 100 is “107 – 100 = 7”.
                    So, the second part of the answer is the square of “7”, i.e., (7)  = 49.
                    Answer =       
                               1st part  2nd part
                    The rule says, “To get the first part of the answer, increase the surplus still further by the same extent”.

                    So, let’s increase 107 further by 7, i.e., 107 + 7 = 114.
                                      114         49
                    So, the answer is     
                                      1st part   2nd part
                    \  (107)  = 11,449

                        EXERCISE 3.3

                        1.  Find the squares of the following numbers using the column method:
                            (a)  36         (b)  57         (c)  42        (d)  29         (e)  76
                        2.  Find the squares of the following numbers using the observation method:
                            (a)  97         (b)  402        (c)  105       (d)  98         (e)  308
                        3.  Find the squares of the following numbers using the diagonal method:
                            (a)  27         (b)  44         (c)  56        (d)  32         (e)  64
                        4.  Find the squares of the following numbers using the easy method:
                            (a)  91         (b)  98         (c)  106       (d)  195        (e)  505
                        5.  Find the squares of the following numbers using either (x + y)  = x  + 2xy + y  or
                           (x – y)  = x  – 2xy + y .
                            (a)  199        (b)  103        (c)  202       (d)  395        (e)  998
   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66