Page 292 - ICSE Math 6
P. 292

Mental Maths                                          3.  (a) 13 triangles  (b) 14 squares
                      1.  (a) False  (b) True  (c) True   (d) False  (e) True    4.  (a) Isosceles  (b) Scalene  (c) Equilateral
                      2.  (a) 2  (b) 45°  (c) 40°  (d) same               5.  (a) Acute-angled  (b) Obtuse-angled  (c) Right-angled
                    Practice Time                                         6.  88 tiles    7. A and D; B and C
                      8.  90°  9. By bisecting an angle of 60°.  10. Namibia  Think Smart

                    Think Smart                                           1.  Into two right triangles.
                    1. No; 45°    2. Rectangle (or square)                2.  (a) True, as all angles are of 60°.
                                                                            (b)  False, as an isosceles triangle can also be right-angled
                                      Chapter 17                              or acute-angled.
                    Exercise 17.1                                           (c)  True, as the sides other than hypotenuse can be of
                      1.  (a) Isosceles  (b) Scalene  (c) Equilateral         equal length.
                      2.  (a) Acute-angled  (b) Obtuse-angled               (d)  True, as the sides other than hypotenuse can be of
                                                                              different length.
                        (c) Right-angled                                    (e)  False, as a scalene triangle can also be right-angled
                      3.  (a) Equilateral and acute-angled                    or acute-angled.
                        (b) Scalene and right-angled                      3.   All the medians and altitudes of an equilateral triangle are
                        (c) Scalene and obtuse-angled                      equal. The median and altitude of an isosceles triangle
                        (d) Scalene and acute-angled                       passing through the vertex where its equal sides meets
                                                                           are equal.
                        (e) Isosceles and acute-angled                    4.  (a) Top of a die; Chess board    (b) Wall; Blackboard
                        (f) Isosceles and obtuse-angled                     (Answers may vary)
                      4.  (a) 60°  (b) 50°  (c) 115°  (d) 80°
                                                                          5.  Floor is a rectangle in shape.
                    Exercise 17.2
                      1.  (a) True  (b) False  (c) False                                  Chapter 18
                      2.  (a) A rectangle having all sides equal is a square.  Exercise 18.1
                        (b) A parallelogram with a right angle becomes a rectangle.    1.  (a) O  (b)  SR   (c) AB  (d) OA; OB; OP  (e) P
                        (c) A rhombus with a right angle becomes a square.    2.  12 cm  3. (a) 3 cm  (b) sector  (c) segment
                                                                            (d) O; Q  (e) exterior
                        (d)   The opposite sides of a square are parallel, so it is a     4.  (a) 2r  (b) 2r  5.  (a) exterior  (b) interior
                                                                          6.  4.5 cm  7. 5 cm
                      3.       ; Yes,        (Answers may vary)         Mental Maths
                                                                          1.  (a) False  (b) True  (c) False   (d) False  (e) True
                      4.  180°    5. 0°    6. 5 cm    7. 15 cm; 27 cm       (f) False  (g) False
                    Mental Maths                                          2.  (a) CD  (b) DI or EF  (c) AOB  (d)  GH   3.  4
                      1.  (a) True  (b) True  (c) False  (d) False  (e) True  Practice Time
                        (f) False  (g) True  (h) True                     1.  16 cm
                      2.  (a) pentagon  (b) sides; angles  (c) polygon    2.  (a) in the interior  (b) in the exterior
                        (d) triangle  (e) 4  (f) perpendicular  (g) trapezium      (c) on the circumference
                        (h) an isosceles  (i) an equilateral  (j) a scalene    3.  9 cm    4. 6 cm    9. 90°    12. 5    13. 23 m
                        (k) centroid                                    Think Smart
                                                                          1.  (a) True, as the centre of a circle lies in its interior.
                    Practice Time                                           (b) True, as the diameter of circle A lies in the interior
                      1.  A trapezium is a quadrilateral with a pair of parallel sides.  of circle B.
                         A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel       (c) False, as the points in the exterior of circle B also
                       sides.                                                 lie in the exterior of circle A.
                         A rectangle is a parallelogram in which each angle is a       (d) False, as each secant of circle A will intersect circle
                       right angle.                                           B at two points.
                      2.   A simple closed figure made up of line segments only       (e) True, as each tangent of circle A will intersect circle
                       is called a polygon. Square, rhombus and rectangle are   B at two points.
                       three polygons having four sides.                  2.  (c)

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