Page 291 - ICSE Math 6
P. 291

4.  (a) and (c)                                                     Chapter 15
                      5.  (a) m and n  (b) l and m; l and n  (c) l and m; l and n  Exercise 15.1
                      6.  (a) infinite  (b) open  (c) indefinite  (d) closed; three    1.  (a) P and S  (b) R and Q  (c) A, B, T and C
                        (e) equal  (f) 90°  (g) radius                    2.  Acute angles; 5°, 65°; Obtuse angles: 96°, 170°;
                      7.  (a) Tip of a pen, tip of a pin                    Reflex angles: 190°, 320°
                        (b) Edges of a paper, edges of a table            3.  ∠CAB and ∠DAB
                        (c) Light rays coming from electric blue, rays coming     4.  (a) True  (b) False  (c) False  (d) True
                          from sun
                        (d) Surface of a wall, surface of a notebook      5.   Angle  ∠AOB   ∠AOC  ∠BOC  ∠COD  ∠DOA  ∠DOB
                                                                            Classification  Obtuse  Straight  Acute  Right  Right  Reflex
                        (Answers may vary)
                                                                          6.   Complementary angles: (a) and (f); supplementary angles:
                      8.  (a)          (b)             (c)                 (b) and (d); Congruent angles: (c) and (e)
                          A       B         A      B       A    B
                      9.  (a) and (b)                                     7.   Vertically opposite angles: ∠AOC and ∠BOD, ∠AOD
                                                                           and ∠BOC;
                    Exercise 14.2                                           Adjacent angles: ∠AOC and ∠AOD, ∠AOC and ∠BOC,
                      1.  (a) True  (b) False  (c) True  (d) True  (e) False  ∠BOD and ∠AOD, ∠BOD and ∠BOC;
                      2.  Concurrent lines  3. (a) Infinite  (b) Infinite  (c) One       Linear  pairs:  ∠AOC and  ∠AOD,  ∠AOC and  ∠BOC,
                      4.  (a)         (Answers may vary)                   ∠BOD and ∠AOD, ∠BOD and ∠BOC
                            A   B P
                                                                          8.  (a) 2  (b) 2  (c) 2   9. 11   10. 90°
                        (b)           (Answers may vary)                Exercise 15.2
                            A    B
                                                                          1.  9.3 cm       2.  AB < CD
                            A  P  B                                       3.  Students to do on their own.
                      5.  (a) A, B, D  (b) A, B, C or B, C, D or A, C, D  (c) A    4.  (a) 56° 9′ 35″  (b) 161° 13′ 28″  (c) 20° 6′ 40″
                                                                            (d) 60° 34′ 50″
                    Mental Maths                                          5.  233° 20′ 43″  6. (a) 22°  (b) 60°  (c) 122°  (d) 130°
                      1.  (a) length; breadth  (b) two  (c) one; initial      (e) 310°  (f) 200°
                        (d) parallel  (e) two                             7.  Students to do on their own.
                      2.  (a) False  (b) True  (c) True  (d) False  3. (a) and (b)  Mental Maths

                    Practice Time                                         1.  (a) False  (b) True  (c) False  (d) False
                      1.  (a) 7  (b) 8  (c) 13                            2.  (a) exterior  (b) 60  (c) 60  (d) 360°  (e) inner; outer
                      2.  (a) p and n  (b) p and l; n and l; m and l  (c) m and l  Practice Time

                                 A           A         A                  1.  (a) 242° 16′ 1″  (b) 81° 56″  (c) 101° 23′ 32″
                      3.  (a)       (b)         (c)                         (d) 262° 45′ 50″
                            B                        B                    2.  (a) 8°  (b) 75°  (c) 115°  (d) 120°  (e) 330°  (f) 250°
                      4.  (a) and (d)  5. Yes  6. Yes  7. Ring, CDs       3.  Students to do on their own.
                                              A                           4.  (a) ∠DOE, ∠COE  (b) ∠BOE  (c) ∠AOE
                          A       B      E                                5.  14 right angles    6. 10 right angles    7. No
                      8.  (a)        (b)         B
                          D       C      D                                8.  (a) Straight (180°)    (b) Right (90°)
                                                 C                          (c) Complete (360°)    (d) Reflex (270°)
                      9.  No  10.  CO and OD  11.  CD                     9.  7° 43' 5''    10. Ladder B

                      12.  (a) D, O, A, B  (b)  OC (Answers may vary)  (c)   BD  Think Smart
                        (d) OD, OA, AB, OC, DA (Answers may vary)         1.  (iv)    2. (ii)    3. 4 right angles
                     13.  Samir, as he is in the interior of region.      4.  45° each   5. 145°   6. 162°
                      14.  Carpenter B
                                                                                          Chapter 16
                    Think Smart                                         Exercise
                      1.  (ii)   2. (iii)    3. (a) 10  (b) 20            4.  Yes    5. parallel

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