Page 279 - ICSE Math 6
P. 279

                    Integrated with Business Studies

                    In business, decimals are frequently used to do math (or calculation).
                    For example, to calculate 10% profit on a given amount, the amount is
                    simply multiplied by 0.1. The use of decimals makes the calculations
                    easier and faster. The other fields like banking, finance and marketing
                    also use decimals for calculations.
                    Can you calculate a profit of 10% on ` 2,50,000 by simply multiplying
                    it by 0.1?

                    SET THEORY
                    Integrated with Social Sciences
                    Form a set of all prime ministers of independent India. How many of them became prime minister
                    twice? Does A. P. J. Abdul Kalam belong to any of these two sets and why?

                    Integrated with Medical Sciences

                    Doctors and nurses often use the concept of ratio and proportion in dosage
                    calculation. For example, suppose a nurse has a medication with a dosage
                    strength of 100 mg per 1 mL, and a doctor orders a dosage of 50 mg.
                    Here, the concept of ratio and proportion helps the nurse to determine
                    how many mL to administer as,
                                        100 mg : 1 mL : : 50 mg : x mL

                    Using the above proportion, calculate how many mL should the nurse administer.


                    Integrated with History
                    Write a short note on the history of percentage. You may take the help of internet.

                    SPEED, DISTANCE AND TIME
                    Integrated with Biology
                    Using internet, name ten fastest animals on Earth. Why is speed important
                    for animals to survive in grass lands? Discuss with your teachers and

                    Integrated with Science

                    The existence of today’s world relies on technologies and the existence of
                    technologies relies on mathematics and algebra. Google, mobile phones,
                    internet, satellites, digital televisions and many more modern technologies
                    wouldn’t exist without algebra.

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