Page 170 - ICSE Math 6
P. 170

Use of protractor to measure an angle                       Outer scale                     Inner scale
                    A protractor is a geometrical instrument which is used                 60  70  80  90  80  110  120
                    for measuring and constructing angles. On the circular part          50             70  60  50 130
                    of the protractor, angles are marked in degrees from 0° to       30 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100  40 140 150
                    180°. On the inner scale, angles are marked in anticlockwise    20                          30  160
                    direction  and  on  the  outer  scale,  angles  are  marked  in   10                         20  170
                    clockwise direction.                                           0  180                          0  180
                                                                                                Mid-point    Base line


                    Suppose, we want to find the magnitude of ∠AOB given in
                    the adjoining figure. To do so, follow the steps given below.
                    Step 1:   Place  the  protractor  so  that  its  mid-point
                              coincides with vertex O and the base line is on
                              ray OB.                                                     O                      B

                    Step 2:   Locate the angle marked along ray OA                                         A
                              on the protractor. As the 0° mark of the                60  70  80  90  100  110  120
                              inner scale falls on ray OB, therefore we             50             70  60  50 130
                              will consider this scale for measuring the         30 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100  40 140 150
                              angle. Thus, ∠AOB = 50°.                         20                          30 20  160

                                                                               10                            10  170
                                                                               0  180        O                 0  180  B
                    Points to remember
                    •  Angles opening on the right are measured using the inner scale.
                    •  Angles opening on the left are measured using the outer scale.

                    Example 8:  Measure the following angles using a protractor.

                                                                          P                             P
                                  (a)                      (b)                        (c)
                                                                                 Q             Q          R
                                        O          B

                    Solution:     (a)  Place the protractor so that its mid-                A
                                      point coincides with O and the base
                                      line coincides with ray OB. Locate                 70  80  90  100  110
                                      the  degree  marked  along ray  OA            50  60       80  70  60 120  130
                                      on the inner scale of the protractor.       40                    50 40 140
                                      Thus, ∠AOB = 100°.                        30 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100  30  150
                                                                               20                           20  160
                                                                               10                            10  170
                                                                              0  180          O               0  180  B

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