Page 7 - ICSE Math 5
P. 7

7.   Decimals          •  Place Value of Decimal Numbers                 •  To understand
                                              •   Conversion of Fractions to Decimal Fractions and   addition, subtraction
                                                 Decimal Numbers                                   and multiplication of
                                              •  Expanded Form of Decimal Numbers                  decimals
                                              •  Types of Decimals
                                              •  Comparing and Ordering Decimals
                                              •  Addition and Subtraction of Decimals
                                              •  Applications of Decimals in Real Life Situations
                                              •   World Problems on Addition and Subtraction of Decimals
                                              •  Multiplication of Decimals
                       8.   Introduction to   •  Natural Numbers and Whole Numbers              •   To reinforce the concept
                            Negative Numbers  • Integers                                           of integers
                                              •  Necessity of Negative Numbers
                                              •  Predecessor and Successor of an Integer
                                              •  Comparison of Integers through a Number Line
                                              •  Ordering of Integers
                                              •  Rules for Addition and Subtraction of Integers
                       9.   Geometry          • Angles                                          •   To make a right angle
                                              •  Symmetry in 2D Shapes                             tester
                                              •  Symmetry in 3D Shapes or Solids
                                              • Nets
                      10.   Perimeter and Area  • Perimeter                                     •   To show that fi gures
                                              • Area                                               having the same area may
                                                                                                   have diff erent perimeters
                      11.   Metric System     •  Conversion of Metric Measures                  •   To estimate the volume
                                              •  Four Basic Operations on Metric Measures          of a bucket using a mug
                                              •  Word Problems on Metric Measures                  and a measuring glass
                      12.   Time and Money    •  Time and Its Conversion                        •   Visit any two grocery
                                              •  Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Time  shops with an adult in
                                              • Word Problems                                      the nearby market. Find
                                              •  Money and Its Conversion                          out and note the rates of
                                              •  Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Money  any 10 items which you
                                              • Bills                                              would like to purchase
                      13.   Introduction to   •   Pictorial Representation of Percentage        •   To reinforce the concept
                            Percentage        •   Relationship between Fractions, Decimals and     of percentage
                                              •  Finding Percentage of a Given Number or a Quantity
                      14.   Data Handling     •  Raw Data and Its Representation in Tabular Form  •   To interpret information
                                              • Pictograph                                         through bar graphs, pie
                                              • Tally Marks                                        charts and line graphs
                                              • Bar Graph                                          found in newspapers and
                                              • Pie Chart                                          magazines
                                              • Line Graph
                      15.   Patterns          •  Patterns with a Unit of Repeat                 •   To create patterns with a
                                              • Progressive Patterns                               unit of repeat and their
                                              •  Patterns with More Th  an One Characteristic      extension
                                              •  Triangular and Square Numbers
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