Page 70 - ICSE Math 1
P. 70

6.  Count the beads in the abacus and write the number they show.

                           (a)     H    T    O             (b)     H    T    O              (c)     H    T    O


                           (d)     H    T    O             (e)     H     T    O             (f)     H    T    O

                    Comparing Numbers

                    We can compare any two numbers using the given rules.

                     •  A 2-digit number is always bigger than a 1-digit number.

                          For example, 11 is bigger than 5. It is wri  en as 11 > 5.

                     •  To compare 2-digit numbers:

                            Compare the tens place fi rst.

                            For example, 2 tens is bigger than 1 ten. So, 20 is bigger than 19. It is

                          wri  en as 20 > 19.

                            If the tens place is the same, compare the ones place.

                            For example, 7 is bigger than 5. So, 17 is bigger than 15. It is wri  en as
                          17 > 15.

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