Page 62 - ICSE Math 1
P. 62


                         What To Do?

                         To understand subtrac  on with the help of an ac  vity

                         What We Need?

                         A piggy bank or coin box, 9 coins

                         How To Do?

                               Ask your mother to give you 9 coins.

                               Put 1 coin in your box. How many coins are you left with?

                              9 coins –            coin =          coins

                               Put 3 coins in your box. How many coins are you left with?

                                       coins – 3 coins =            coins

                               Put 0 coins in your box.

                                       coins –          coins =          coins

                              You are left with _______ coins.

                               Put 4 coins in your box.

                                       coins – 4 coins =            coin

                              You are left with _______ coin.

                               Put 1 coin in your box.

                                       coin –          coin =          coins.

                              You are left with ______ coins.


                         Discuss the importance of saving money. What all can you do with the
                         saved money?

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