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carrying many people or large quantities or any source of ignition comes into contact
of goods and substances that can cause with any infl ammable material. Th ese can be
direct or indirect damage to the public and intentional or unintentional, for example,
environment surrounding the site of the graziers and gatherers of various forest
accident. Th e eff ects of these accidents are products start small fi res to obtain good
multiplied when several of the same or grazing grass as well as to facilitate gathering
diff erent types of vehicles are involved, or of minor forest produce. In case a fi re breaks
when vehicles hit buildings sheltering people out in a building, some safety measures that
or containing substances that are dangerous should be followed are given below.
to humans and to the environment. • Immediately pull the nearest fi re alarm
Terrorism pull station as you exit the building.
• When evacuating the building, ensure to
Terrorism is an act of violence by humans
put your hands on each door before you
towards other human lives with the intent of
open it, to determine whether it is hot or
furthering political or social objectives. Th e
threat of terrorism aff ects all communities cold. If it is hot, there might be fire on the
around the world. Terrorists, both domestic other side and you should not open that
and international, have demonstrated that door. Find another exit.
they have the knowledge and capability to • If there is smoke in the air, keep close
strike anywhere in the world. to the ground, especially your head, to
reduce inhalation.
Industrial and Technological Disasters
• Once away and clear from danger, call and
Th ese are much larger in scale and are the inform the concerned authorities about the
result of technological failures or industrial fire.
accidents. Such disasters aff ect the local • Go to a safe area and await further
population and may even cover a much larger
instructions from the emergency personnel.
area. Industrial disasters occur due to the
accidental leakage of water or air pollutants. Impact of Man-made Disasters
Many of the chemicals are extremely toxic
• Death of humans and livestock may
and carcinogenic which aff ect the human occur due to burning or serious injuries
population in an adverse way. Some people
from fi re. In rural areas, oft en the entire
die instantly while others are crippled for harvested crop that has been securely
their whole lives in the form of blindness,
stored may catch fi re and burn to ashes
paralysis and many other physical disorders.
resulting in heavy losses to the owners.
Fire Accidents • Th e industrial premises and close
Accidents that are caused due to fi re are quite surroundings are at a high risk in the event
common. Fire results in heavy damage of of an industrial accident. Employees and
both life and property. Th e loss of life is even residents of nearby localities as well as
higher in a crowded building. Fire is caused their livestock and crops are immediately
when a naked fl ame, cigarette, electric spark aff ected by industrial chemicals.
carcinogenic: having the potential to cause cancer
grazier: a person who rears or fattens cattle or sheep for market