P. 70
A radioactive plume is a condition Image fi gure depicting a disaster
in which a mass of air containing (Radioactive plume is invisible.)
radioactive substances is blown by
wind like smoke.
Nuclear Power
Plant Exposure to
Contamination of
agricultural products
If radiation enters or
contacts the body, it is
referred to as “radiation Exposure to radiation as a result of
exposure.” radioactive substances entering into the
Radiation body by consuming
contaminated food/drinks
or breathing in radioactive
Being in contact with radiation
emitted from radioactive
substances outside of the body.
An image depicting exposure to radiation both externally and internally
radiation emitted from radioactive substances, called chemical disasters. Th e irresponsible
our bodies will be adversely aff ected. handling of powerful chemicals can cause
widespread destruction. Industries using
Biological Disasters
harmful and powerful chemicals should be
Biological and nuclear weapons are referred located far away from residential areas.
to as the poor man’s nuclear bomb as these
are easy to manufacture and transport. Fact Corner
However, they can still kill or harm hundreds The most powerful nuclear weapon ever
detonated was Russia’s Tsar Bomba. It is also
and thousands of people. Th ey are delivered
the single most physically powerful device
using dusting airplanes or small perfume ever created by man, with a mushroom cloud
atomisers and have the ability to generate over 64 kilometres high and the base of its
immediate and disastrous eff ects. cloud 40 kilometres wide.
Chemical Disasters Travel Accidents
Disasters that are caused due to the excessive Major air, rail, road and maritime accidents
use and misuse of chemicals in industries are generally involve fast moving vehicles
adversely: harmfully or unfavourably