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Source country: The country which a migrant has Campaign: An organized course of action to achieve
emigrated from and left behind or from which an a goal
immigrant has travelled Career: An occupation undertaken for a signifi cant
W period of a person’s life and with opportunities for
Workload: The amount of work to be done by
Chaotic: Completely confused or disordered
someone or something
Communicable disease: An infectious disease
Chapter 4 - Urbanisation transmissible from person to person by direct contact
with an aff ected individual
A Commuting: Travelling some distance between one’s
Accommodate: Provide lodging or suffi cient space home and place of work on a regular basis
for Compromise: Accept standards that are lower than is
Adapt: Make something suitable for a new use or desirable
purpose Connotation: An idea or feeling which a word invokes
Advertisement: A marketing communication for a person in addition to its literal or primary
that employs an openly sponsored, non-personal meaning
message to promote or sell a product, service or idea Contaminate: Make something impure by exposure
Aff ordable: Reasonably priced to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance
Aggressive: Ready or likely to attack or confront Counselling: The provision of professional assistance
Amenity: A desirable or useful feature or facility of a and guidance in resolving personal or psychological
building or place problems
Artifi cial intelligence: The theory and development Cultural barrier: A situation where people of diff erent
of computer systems able to perform tasks normally cultures are unable to understand each other’s
requiring human intelligence, such as visual customs, resulting in inconveniences and diffi culties
perception, speech recognition, decision-making,
and translation between languages D
Aspiration: A hope or ambition of achieving
Decongestion: The process of relieving congestion
Deteriorate: Become progressively worse
Asset: A useful or valuable thing
Developmental sector: A sector of the economy
Automobile: A wheeled motor vehicle used for
that is focussed on the developmental needs of the
nation, society or specifi ed region and which includes
B activities like strategic planning, human resource
Blue infrastructure: Systems and technologies that are development, communications, fi nance, information
retrofi tted into existing urban drainage infrastructure and technology
in the form of pools, ponds and pond systems, wadis Diarrhoea: The condition of having at least three
or artifi cial buff er basins, to improve water effi ciency loose, liquid, or watery bowel movements each day
and expand a city’s capacity to manage storm water
Digitalisation: The conversion of text, pictures, or
and fl ooding
sound into a digital form that can be processed by a
Budget: An estimate of income and expenditure for a computer
set period of time
Disinterested: Having or feeling no interest in
C something
Calamity: An event causing great and often sudden Drug abuse: The use of certain chemicals for the
damage or distress purpose of creating pleasurable eff ects on the brain