P. 154

Predict: Say or estimate that a specifi ed thing will   U
                  happen in the future or will be a consequence of
                                                                        Underpopulation: A state in which a country’s
                                                                        population has declined too much to support its
                  Primary activities: The production of raw material and
                                                                        current economic system
                  basic foods that includes activities like agriculture
                                                                        Unnatural: Contrary to the ordinary course of nature
                  (both subsistence and commercial), mining, forestry,
                  farming, grazing, hunting and gathering, fi shing and
                  quarrying                                             Chapter 3 - Migration
                  Probability: The extent to which something is likely
                  to happen                                            A
                  Procreation: The production of off spring             Align: Put things into correct or appropriate relative
                  Productive age: Also known as the ‘working age’ which
                  is usually defi ned as the population of a country aged   Ambition: A strong desire to do or achieve something
                  between 15 to 64 years                               B
                  Prominent: Important
                                                                        Bering Strait: A strait of the Pacifi c, which separates
                 R                                                      Russia and Alaska slightly south of the Arctic Circle

                  Rural-urban migration:  The movement of people        Brain drain:  The emigration of highly trained or
                  from the countryside to the city                      qualifi ed people from a particular country
                  S                                                    C

                  Sanitation: Conditions relating to public health,
                                                                        Civil war: A war between citizens of the same country
                  especially the provision of clean drinking water and
                                                                        Commuter: A person who travels some distance to
                  adequate sewage disposal
                                                                        work on a regular basis
                  Semi-skilled worker: A type of worker who does work
                                                                        Cornerstone: An important quality or feature on
                  generally of a defi ned and routine nature wherein the
                  major requirement is not so much of the judgment      which a particular thing depends or is based
                  and skill but for the proper discharge of duties      Cultural exchange: A broad defi nition given to any
                  assigned to him/her                                   mutual sharing of information, usually cultural,
                  Sex composition: The proportion of the sexes in a     between two or more species for the purpose of
                  defi ned population                                   improving friendship and understanding between
                  Skilled worker: Any worker who has special skill,     them
                  training, knowledge and (usually acquired) ability in   D
                  their work
                  Sparse: Thinly dispersed or scattered                 Demographic: Relating to the structure of populations
                  Strain: To exert something so as to cause something   Discrimination:  The unjust or prejudicial treatment
                  to reach very far, often as far as possible           of diff erent categories of people, especially on the
                  Substantial: Of considerable importance, size, or     grounds of race, age or sex
                  worth                                                 E
                  Supplement: A thing added to something else in
                  order to complete or enhance it                       Emigration: The act of leaving one’s own country to
                  Sustain: Strengthen or support physically or mentally  settle permanently in another
                  T                                                     F

                  Terrain: A stretch of land, especially with regard to its   Favourable:  To the advantage of someone or
                  physical features                                     something

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