P. 126

Wind Reversal                                       Monsoon of the Bay of Bengal Branch
                    Th  e Indian climate is characterised by the        Bangladesh, West Bengal and Odisha are
                    complete reversal of the wind system that           at the receiving end of the winds of the Bay
                    occurs with the change in season. During            of Bengal branch. Th  ese winds also go to
                    the winter, the trade winds generally blow          Meghalaya where they are trapped within the

                    from the north-east to the south-west. Th ese       tunnel-shaped mountains. It is because of this
                    winds are dry, devoid of moisture and are           entrapment that places like Mawsynram and
                    characterised by low temperatures and high          Cherrapunji receive the maximum amount
                    pressure conditions over the country. During        of rainfall in the world.
                    summer, a complete reversal in the direction
                                                                        Monsoon of the Arabian Sea Branch
                    of the winds is observed as they blow
                    primarily from the south-west to the north-         Th  e winds travelling over the Arabian Sea
                    east, carrying with them moisture from the          enter the western coast and then the plains of
                                                                        western and northern India. Here, the rainfall
                    large water bodies that surround the Indian
                                                                        is lesser as compared to the rain that falls over
                                                                        Assam. Th  e rainfall lasts from the month of
                                                                        June to September.
                    Monsoons in India

                    Th  e word ‘monsoon’ has been derived
                    from the Arabic word ‘Mausim’                                                 INDIA CLIMATE
                    which means ‘season’. Looking at
                    Asia’s climatic regions it has been
                    understood that India’s climate is
                    dominated by the monsoon winds.
                    Th ey  blow  constantly from the              Low Pressure             NEPAL        BHUTAN
                    month of June to September. During
                    this period, much of India receives                                               BANGLADESH
                    heavy rainfall.
                    Monsoons refer to a system of                                                                MYANMAR

                    winds in the tropical regions under
                    which the direction of the wind is
                    completely reversed between the
                    summer and the winter seasons.           ARABIAN                                    BAY
                                                               SEA                                     BENGAL
                    Under this system, the winds blow
                    from the land to the sea in winters      Arabian Sea Branch                Bay of Bengal Branch
                    and from the sea to the land in
                    summers. Th  erefore, most of the
                                                                                                             Andaman & Nicobar
                    rainfall is received in the summer            Lakshadweep                        S.W. Monsoon  Islands (India)
                    season whereas the winter season is
                    generally dry in the regions usually                    High Pressure  LANKA             High Pressure
                                                                     I  N  D  I  A  N      O  C  E  A  N
                    aff ected by the monsoons.
                                                                        The advent of the south-west monsoon winds

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