P. 125
temperatures begin to rise. April is the hottest Distance from the Sea
month for the western and southern regions Southern or peninsular India is surrounded
of India, and May is the hottest for the regions by the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean and
in the north. the Bay of Bengal. Because of the presence of
these water bodies, the climate of the coastal
Rainy Season
regions of India can be described as equable or
Th e south-west monsoon season is known maritime. Contrary to this, the climate of the
as the rainy season. Th is season can be regions located in the interior of the country are
experienced from June to September at varied cut off from the oceanic infl uence. Th erefore,
ranges across the country. Th e two branches they have an extreme or continental type
from which this monsoon arrives are the Bay of climate.
of Bengal branch and the Arabian Sea branch.
Retreating Monsoon
Th e Himalayan and adjoining mountain
During the retreating monsoon, the winds
ranges protect India from the bitterly cold
move back from the mainland to the Bay of
and dry winds of Central Asia during the
Bengal. Th is monsoon occurs in the months
winter. Furthermore, they act as an eff ective
of October and November. Tamil Nadu, physical barrier for the rain bearing south-
Andhra Pradesh and some parts of southern west monsoon winds and stop them from
India receive rainfall in this season. crossing the northern frontiers of India.
Th ese mountain ranges are a major climatic
Let’s Discuss
divide between the Indian subcontinent and
What kind of climate do you Central Asia.
experience in your state? What could
be the factors infl uencing it? Physiography
Th e temperature, air pressure, direction
and speed of wind, and the amount and
Factors Aff ecting the Climate of India distribution of rainfall are all aff ected by
Th e factors infl uencing the climate of India the physiography of India. Th e windward
are listed below. sides of the Western Ghats and Assam
receive high rainfall from June through
Location and Latitudinal Extent September whereas the southern plateau
India lies roughly between 6°N and 37°6’N remains dry due to its leeward position along
latitudes. Th e country is divided almost the Western Ghats.
through the middle by the Tropic of Cancer.
Northern India is a sub-tropical and temperate Altitude
zone whereas southern India, which is to Although the average temperature remains
the south of the Tropic of Cancer, is the generally high throughout India, the
tropical zone. Tropical zones experience high Himalayas and other high mountains have
temperatures throughout the year because lower temperatures even in the summer due
they are closer to the Equator. to their high altitude.
windward: facing the wind or on the side facing the wind
leeward: on or towards the side sheltered from the wind