Page 109 - Viva ICSE Computer Studies 6 : E-book
P. 109
Subscript <sub> and Superscript <sup> Tags
Subscript <sub> and Superscript <sup> tags are used to write chemical formulae and
mathematical equations.
Computer Etiquette
The user should follow the computer etiquette and the netiquette while working online. Also,
he/she should be careful about the content being exchanged over the Internet. The information
to be displayed on the web pages should be checked for appropriateness.
Tech Terms
Container Element: An element that has both starting and ending tags
Empty Element: An element that contains only starting tag
HTML: HyperText Markup Language
Tags: The instructions given in HTML in the form of text characters
Quick Recall
• A web page is a document or a page on the World Wide Web.
• Hypertext means text which contains link to other text.
• Tags are coded instructions that are referred to as source code.
• Body tag is the most important tag as it includes content and the layout of a web page.
• <sub> and <sup> tags are used to write chemical formulae and mathematical equations.