Page 90 - ICSE Math 7
P. 90

¾   Two sets are said to be equivalent if the number of elements in both the sets is same.

                    ¾   Two sets are said to be disjoint if they have no common element.
                    ¾   Two sets are said to be overlapping if they have at least one common element.
                    ¾   The number of elements in a finite set is known as its cardinal number.
                    ¾   X is a subset of Y if every member of X is also a member of Y. If there exists at least one member
                        of Y which is not in X, then X is known as a proper subset of Y.
                    ¾   If a set has n elements, then it has 2  subsets and 2  – 1 proper subsets.
                    ¾   A set which contains all the given sets as its subsets is known as a universal set.
                    ¾   For any non-empty sets A and B
                        •  n(A ∪ B) = n(A) + n(B) – n(A ∩ B)
                        •  When A and B are disjoint sets, A ∩ B = f. Therefore, n(A ∪ B) = n(A) + n(B)

                        •  n(A – B) = n(A) – n(A ∩ B)
                        •  n(B – A) = n(B) – n(A ∩ B)

                                                            MENTAL MATHS

                      1.  Write True or False.
                         (a)  Equivalent sets are always equal.

                         (b)  Every set is a subset of a null set.
                         (c)  If a set has 25 elements, then the number of its subsets is 2 .
                         (d)  Every set is a proper subset of itself.

                         (e)  The cardinal number of set A = {0} is 1.
                         (f)  The number of subsets of a null set is 2.
                      2.  Let X = {2, –2}, Y = {x | x = 4, x ∈ Z} and A = {–2, 0, 2}. State which of the following are true
                        and which are false.

                        (a)  X ⊆ Y         (b)  Y ⊆ X          (c)  A ⊆ X           (d)  X = Y          (e)  Y ⊂ A
                      3.  Let  A be the set of natural numbers which are multiples of 6 and less than 30. Fill in the blanks
                        using ∈ or ∉.
                        (a)  12 ____ A          (b)  36 ____ A          (c)  30 ____ A          (d)  24 ____ A

                                                             PRACTICE TIME

                      1.  Write the following sets in the roster and set-builder form.
                         (a)  The set X of vowels of the word NATURAL
                         (b)  The set Y of even natural numbers lying between 5 and 13

                         (c)  The set A of odd numbers lying between 10 and 20
                      2.  Let A = {x | x is a letter in the word EQUIVALENT}, B = {x | x is a letter in the word EQUAL}
                        and C = {x | x is a letter in the word TALENT}. Prove that:
                         (a)  B ⊆ A                   (b)  C ⊂ A                    (c)  B ↔ C

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