Page 57 - ICSE Math 7
P. 57

Example 1:  Write the next four rational numbers in each of the
                                  following patterns.                                               Maths Info
                                      –2 –4 –6                      –1 –2 –3                  Iff implies if and only if, i.e.,
                                  (a)    ,   ,   , …            (b)    ,   ,   , …            either both the statement are
                                       7 14 21                       5 10 15                  true or both are false.

                    Solution:     (a)  –8 –10 –12 –14           (b)  –4 –5 –6 –7              a iff b  ⇒  a ⇔ b
                                      28 35     42   49             20 25 30 35               (i)  If a is true, then b is true.
                                                                                              (ii) If b is true, then a is true.
                    Example 2:  Give four rational numbers equivalent to:
                                      –3                               2
                                  (a)                             (b)
                                       4                               9
                    Solution:     (a)  –6 –9 –12 –15              (b)  4  ,   6  ,   8 10
                                       8 12 16      20                 18 27 36 45
                    Example 3:  Which of the following pairs represent the same rational number?
                                  (a)  2  and  –5                 (b)  –1  and  1
                                      8      20                       –3      3
                    Solution:     (a)  2  =   and  –5  =  –1                       (b)   –1  =   and   =  1
                                      8    4      20    4                               –3   3      3    3
                                         1   –1                                            1   1
                                         ≠                                               =
                                         4    4                                            3   3
                                      ∴ given rational numbers are different.      ∴ given rational numbers are the same.
                    Representation of rational numbers on a number line
                    We know how to represent integers on a number line. Representation of rational numbers on a number
                    line is quite similar to the representation of integers.
                    Let’s represent   and  –1  on a number line.
                                   3       3
                      (i)  Draw a line and mark a point 0 as O.



                      (ii)  Mark unit lengths OA and OA′ to the right and left of O respectively. Point A represents +1 and
                          A′ represents –1.

                                                   A′                   O                     A

                                                  –1                    0                     +1

                      (iii)  Now divide both OA and OA′ into three equal parts as shown below:

                                                   A′                   O                     A

                                                  –1                     0                    +1

                      (iv)  Mark the equal parts as shown:

                                                   A′            P′     O       P             A

                                                  –1            –1       0      1            +1
                                                                 3              3

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