Page 205 - ICSE Math 7
P. 205

Angle of rotation

                    The minimum angle through which an object or a figure rotates about a fixed point to coincide with
                    itself is known as the angle of rotation. An object is said to take a full turn if it rotates by 360°.
                    A half-turn means a rotation by 180° and a quarter-turn means a rotation by 90°.

                    Rotation of a point
                    Let A be a point which is to be rotated anticlockwise about a point O through
                    an angle of 60°. To do so, follow the steps given below.
                    Step 1:   Join OA.
                                                                      O                A'
                    Step 2:   Construct ∠AOB = 60°.
                    Step 3:   With O as centre, cut OA' = OA on ray OB.                               A
                              A' is the new position of A after a rotation of 60°.
                    Rotation of a line segment
                    Let AB be a line segment which is to be rotated clockwise around a point O
                    through an angle of 90°. To rotate the line about O, follow the steps given below.       A

                    Step 1:   Join OA and OB.                                                                          B
                                                                                                   A    O

                    Step 2:   Construct ∠AOC = 90° and ∠BOD = 90°.
                    Step 3:   With O as centre, cut OA' = OA on ray OC and OB' = OB on                       B
                              ray OD.                                                         O           A'

                    Step 4:   Join A'B'.                                                                     C
                              A'B' is the new position of line segment AB after a clockwise
                              rotation of 90° about point O.
                    Rotation of a triangle                                                                     A
                    Let ABC be a triangle which is to be rotated clockwise around a point O through                    C
                    an angle of 180° (half turn). To do so, follow the steps given below.              B
                                                                 A                                              O

                    Step 1:   Join OA, OB and OC.        B              C
                    Step 2:   Construct ∠AOD = 180°, ∠BOE = 180° and ∠COF = 180°.                      B               C
                    Step 3:   With O as centre, cut OA' = OA on ray OD, cut OB' = OB on                    O      180°
                              ray OE and cut OC' = OC on ray OF.                                    C'              B'
                    Step 4:   Join A'B',  B'C'  and  C'A' to get  DA'B'C'.  DA'B'C' is the new                         E
                              position of DABC after rotation of 180° about point O.               F        A'

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