Page 203 - ICSE Math 7
P. 203

To draw the reflection of a point with respect to a line                                  P

                    Let P be a point whose reflection is to be drawn with respect to line AB.
                    From point P, draw a perpendicular to AB which meets AB at Q. Produce          A       Q
                    PQ and cut QP' = QP on it. P' is the reflection of point P with respect to                       B
                    line AB.                                                                                 P'

                    To draw the reflection of a point in x-axis
                    While  finding  the  reflection  of  a  point  in     Y
                    x-axis, x-axis is considered as a plane mirror.                P(x, y)
                    Let  P(x,  y)  be  a  point  whose  reflection  is          y                   Maths Info
                    P'(x, –y) where PP' is perpendicular to x-axis             x
                    such that  PQ =  P'Q.  Thus, when a point       X'    O     Q        X    Point (x, 0) lies on the x-axis and
                    is reflected in x-axis, the sign of its ordinate is         –y            hence is an invariant point.
                    changed. Example:                                     Y'      P'(x, – y)

                    (a)  reflection of (6, –7) in x-axis is (6, 7).
                    (b)  reflection of (–5, 2) in x-axis is (–5, –2).

                    To draw the reflection of a point in y-axis

                    While  finding  the  reflection  of  a  point  in         Y
                    y-axis, y-axis is considered as a plane mirror.   P' (–x, y)    P(x, y)         Maths Info
                    Let  P(x,  y)  be  a  point  whose  reflection  is     y    Q      y      Point (0, y) lies on the y-axis and
                    P'(–x, y) where PP' is perpendicular to y-axis        –x  O   x           hence is an invariant point.
                    such  that  PQ  =  P'Q. Thus,  when  a  point  is   X'                X
                    reflected in y-axis, the sign of its abscissa is         Y'
                    changed. Examples:
                    (a)  reflection of  (–3, 2) in y-axis is (3, 2).

                    (b)  reflection of (–7, –9) in y-axis is (7, –9).

                    To draw the reflection of a point in origin
                    Let P(x, y) be a point whose reflection in origin is P'(–x, –y). Thus, when            Y
                    a point is reflected in origin, the signs of both its components are changed.                 P(x, y)
                    (a)  reflection of (5, –6) in origin is (–5, 6).                             X'          O       X
                    (b)  reflection of (–4, 3) in origin is (4, –3).                               P' (–x, – y)

                    (c)  reflection of (–2, –3) in origin is (2, 3).                                         Y'

                    To draw the reflection of a line segment with respect to a line                   A

                    Let AB be a line segment whose reflection is to be drawn with respect to line                 B
                    l. From point A, draw a perpendicular to l which meets l at C. Produce AC         C         D
                    and cut CA' = CA. Similarly, from B draw a perpendicular to l which meets                           l
                    l at D. Produce BD and cut DB' = DB. Join A' and B' to get the required                       B'
                    reflection A'B' of line segment AB with respect to line l.                        A'

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