Page 188 - ICSE Math 7
P. 188

Congruence of Two Angles                                             A                        P

                    Two angles are said to be congruent if and only if they
                    have the same measure.
                                                                               B                       Q
                                                                                            C                        R
                    Symbolically, ∠ABC ≅ ∠PQR if and only if m∠ABC = m∠PQR.

                    Congruence of Triangles
                                                                                                    Maths Info
                    Two triangles are said to be congruent if they have the same shape
                    and size. For two triangles to be congruent, each of the six parts (three   •   Two circles having equal radii
                                                                                               are congruent.
                    sides and three angles) of one triangle must be congruent (equal) to the   •   Two  squares  having  equal
                    corresponding six parts of the other triangle. For two congruent triangles,   sides are congruent.
                    the sides which are equal to each other are known as corresponding        •   Two rectangles having same
                    sides and the angles which are equal are known as corresponding angles.    length and breadth are
                                           A                                    P

                                     B                          C         Q                          R
                    To ensure correspondence of equal sides and equal angles, matching of vertices is very important
                    in  symbolic  representation  of  two  congruent  triangles.  For  example,  in  the  above  triangles  since
                    A ↔ P, B ↔ Q and C ↔ R (i.e., ABC ↔ PQR, which means the two triangles will superimpose only
                    if A lies on P, B lies on Q and C lies on R) therefore, we write ∆ ABC ≅ ∆ PQR. In fact, the equality of
                    six parts of one triangle with the corresponding parts of the other triangle can be identified as follows:

                                                                                                  ∠C = ∠R

                               ∆ ABC  ≅ ∆ PQR                         also           ∆ A  B  C   ≅   ∆ P  Q  R
                           ⇒   AB = PQ, BC = QR and CA = RP                                   ∠A = ∠P
                                                                                              ∠B = ∠Q

                    Any  other representation like  ∆  ABC  ≅  ∆  PRQ  to represent  the       Try This
                    congruency of the above triangles is incorrect.  The notation             ∆ ABC and ∆ DEF are congruent
                    ∆  ABC  ≅  ∆  PRQ besides other correspondences, also suggests            under the correspondence
                    ∠B = ∠R, ∠C = ∠Q, AB = PR, etc. which is incorrect. So, one should        ABC ↔ DEF. Write the equivalent
                    be careful about the order of the letters while representing two congruent   parts which correspond to
                    triangles in symbolic form.                                               (a)  EF   (b)  ∠C
                                                                                              (c)  AC   (d)  ∠E
                    Example 1:  Complete the following statements.
                                  (a)  If two plane figures cover each other exactly, they are ______________.
                                  (b)  When we write ∠A ≅ ∠B, we actually mean ______________.
                                  (c)  If under a given correspondence, two triangles are congruent, then their corresponding
                                      parts that match each other are ______________.
                    Solution:     (a)  congruent by superposition        (b)  m∠A = m∠B    (c) equal

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