Page 201 - ICSE Math 4
P. 201

38.  The table given below shows diff erent grades scored by the students studying in Class 4.

                                                     Grades        Number of Students
                                                        A                   10
                                                        B                   25

                                                        C                   15
                                                        D                    5

                               (a)  What is the total strength of the class?
                               (b)  Which is the least scored grade?
                               (c)  Which is the highest scored grade?
                          39.  Rahul went to a florist and bought the following varie  es of flowers. Draw a pictograph to
                              represent the informa  on given in the table.

                                                        Flowers        Number of Flower

                                                         Rose                  27
                                                         Tulip                 24
                                                         Lily                  18
                                                         Lotus                 12

                          40.  Find the next number or unit of the following pa  erns and write the rule.

                               (a)  15, 30, 45, 60, 75 __________           (b)  180, 150, 120, 90, __________
                               (c)  28, 36, 44, 52, 60, __________
                          41.  Complete the given series of shapes by iden  fying the pa  ern rule. Also men  on the rule.
                               (a)                                                 __________ _________

                               (b)                                        __________ _________
                          42.  Make a pa  ern with 4 numbers such that the sum grows by 8 each   me.

                     D.  Solve the following and write the answer.
                           1.  Write the smallest and the largest 6-digit numbers that can be formed using the digits 7, 8,
                              0, 9, 2 and 1 without repea  ng any digit.

                           2.  Write the following in expanded form, in numbers and in words.
                               (a) 17,809             (b) 50,567            (c)  3,98,178        (d)  2,903
                           3.  Form any 6 possible 5-digit odd numbers using the digits 8, 3, 7 and 2 by repea  ng the digit
                               2 twice.
                           4.  Put the correct sign <, > or = .

                               (a) 9       XV         (b)  M       1000     (c)  XXX       35    (d)  26      XIII
                           5.  Find the value of the following in the Roman numeral system.

                               (a)  10 + 10 =                               (b)  10 + 1 + 1 + 1 =

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